Description Attention. You need to SAVE this Event information before you proceed any further. Once you have saved this information, RIGHT CLICK on the hyperlink that will appear below, in lieu of "(event-link)", and choose ‘OPEN Link in NEW TAB’ to view and check the page. {event-link} When the page is displayed as you want it, RIGHT CLICK on the hyperlink again, and CLICK on "Copy Link Address". Go to the DASHBOARD to PAGES/ ALL PAGES. Once there, go to MEMBERS LANDING PAGE and paste the link into the appropriate RSVP BUTTON (link). On the same page (MEMBER LANDING PAGE), you will also need to update the following boxes: “Venue Image (jpg or png)” “Event Venue Information” “EST’s Message to Members” REMEMBER: You should also go to the DASHBOARD/ HOME PAGE and add event ‘teaser‘ information viewable to the general public.